War of Mercenaries Wiki

Tusk Horn

"Lets you test the mettle of your City- let us see if these defenses will hold by attracting Wild Savages! If you are way above your head, you can always call off the self-inflicted atack"

The Tusk Horn is a special building which can be used to test you city design and your city defenses. With each level you can use more mercenaries to attack your city. Also at different levels you can use different types of catapult attacks.

Beasts and Blacksmith items are not available in the Tusk Horn

Level Lumber Cost Stone Cost Might Cost Iron Cost  Gold Cost Req. CC lvl Req. Recruitment Chamber lvl Health Build Time
1 25000 25000 15000 - 142 4 1 1000 5h
2 1000000 1000000 500000 - 344 4 2 1500 10h
3 2000000 2000000 1000000 - 466 4 3 2250 20h
4 4000000 4000000 2000000 - 631 5 4 3375 1d16h
5 6000000 6000000 4000000 - 824 6 4 5000 3d8h
6 10000000 10000000 6000000 - 1086 7 4 7500 6d16h
7 16000000 16000000 10000000 - 1441 8 4 12000 13d8h

Catapult Unlocks

The Catapult attacks unlocks at different levels.

Tusk Horn level 1: Catapult - Lumber Salvo unlocks
Tusk Horn level 4: Catapult - Hurling Stones unlocks
Tusk Horn level 7: Catapult - Mighty Rage unlocks

Available Barrack Space

The higher the level of the Tusk Horn the more mercenaries you can use to attack your own city.

Level Available Space
1 450
2 600
3 750
4 900
5 1200
6 1500
7 1800
