War of Mercenaries Wiki

Mercenary Barracks

"Find and recruit new mercenaries!"

Recruitment Chamber is where you can recruit new mercenaries. You will need this building to unlock all the different types of mercenaries and also to unlock the higher level mercenaries. You don't need to unlock mercenaries in a specific order and actually you should unlock Gentle Healer as soon as possible.

Level Lumber Cost Stone Cost Might Cost Iron Cost Gold Cost Req. CC level Build Time
1 1800 2300 - - 17 2 5m
2 28800 18400 - - 136 3 5h
3 115200 147200 - - 307 4 20h
4 460800 588800 - - 437 5 1d12h

Mercenary Unlocks

Recruitment Chamber level 1:
Bedouin Brute
Knight Rider
Persian Hashishin
Recruitment Chamber level 2:
Nubian Guard
Recruitment Chamber level 3:
Sneak Peak
Mongolian Gargantuan
Pharaoh Warrior
Gentle Healer
Recruitment Chamber level 4:
Persian Sapper
Rock'n Gaul
